Aug 23, · The Grand Capital brokerage offers Binary Options traders two main types of trading platforms with which to access the financial markets; the industry-standard “Meta Trader 4” [MT4] trading platform which investors use to trade in Forex and CFDs, and the in-house “Web Trader” trading platform for those traders who wish to trade directly off the internet without having to download any software. Aug 09, · I have a binary options ea I want to use to trade MT4 binary options on Grand Capital MT4, but with that broker the expiration time needs to go in the Comment field in the Order Window (such as 1 for a 1 minute expiration). The broker allows 1 minute expirations and higher. Grand Capital Review, Platform Overview. Grand Capital is an established Russian-based binary options broker, and they have a number of accounts on offer, including an account suitable for investors of the Islamic faith. Grand Capital offer a number of promotions for new account holders; as well as binary options, they also offer more in.
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I have a binary options ea I want to use to trade MT4 binary options on Grand Capital MT4, but with that broker the expiration time needs to go in the Comment field in the Order Window such as 1 for a 1 minute expiration.
But if you leave the comment field blank the default expiration time is on every hour, and on every 30 minutes pass the hour. How do I add a comment input to the ea and to the code so for example if the input is 1 the ea will place a 1 in the order comment so the order will open with a 1 minute expiration time see screenshot?
Below are some highlighted examples of where ordername is found, but I don't understand how to remove it from the code. If you set this input to 1 in your original posted EA it should expire after 1 minute.
I agree with eddie above and don't see how you could have created this EA and not known that you had already included the input. Very true I have no idea about ea coding, but I created the ea using EABuilder which does most of the work for your automatically.
That worked, so I was trying to figure out how to add an extra input to adjust trade comment from. To add comments, please log in or register, grand capital binary options ordersend in mt4. Edward Crivello The broker allows 1 minute expirations and higher. Since the ea can't place a order comment it keeps using the default expiration times.
Is this even possible? If you can add the comment feature to it I can see how you did it and transfer it to my main ea. Thanks in advance. Keith Watford Thank you. That worked. How do I add a input so it can be adjusted from the inputs? I am not sure what you mean by removing all expressions of ordername. Problem with MT4 strategy I need help with Buy and sell signals.
MT4Web I grand capital binary options ordersend in mt4 you have no idea what your code is doing. Ask the owner of the code or try to understand how it works.
Difference between timestamps Cost Averaging System. William Roeder Play video Please edit your post. For large amounts of code, attach it. With other MT4 binary options grand capital binary options ordersend in mt4 in that input would be a 60 minute expiration. Thank you for your help, grand capital binary options ordersend in mt4. I didn't come on here for suggestions on how to fix bugs in the ea. I was just asking about how to add a comment input so the ea can be used with Grand Capital binary options which is set up differently then other MT4 binary options brokers that use the TradeToolsfx MT4 binary options plugin.
That's all. I tried to learn mql4 6 years ago but it didn't click I paid multiple programmers over the years to build ea's for me. But recently discovered eabuilder which can create Forex and binary options ea's. The comment input is all I was asking about here how to transfer the parameter in a ea comment input to the Mt4 order window comment field.
Play video. Please edit your post.
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Aug 23, · The Grand Capital brokerage offers Binary Options traders two main types of trading platforms with which to access the financial markets; the industry-standard “Meta Trader 4” [MT4] trading platform which investors use to trade in Forex and CFDs, and the in-house “Web Trader” trading platform for those traders who wish to trade directly off the internet without having to download any software. Jan 22, · We will start our detailed analysis of Grand Capital trading platform with MetaTrader 4, professional trading interface designed to support both binary options and Forex. This trading platform supports more than trading instruments including currencies, metals, stocks, CFDs, indices and futures such as energy resources and raw materials/5. Binary Options CALL options PUT options Binary Options is a financial instrument used to make profit by predicting an asset's price movement (currencies, shares, commodities). In order to receive profit, a trader makes a prediction regarding the direction of the underlying asset's price movement.
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